Monday, January 7, 2013

Speak Victory - No Shame or Guilt

Talking with people and reading some things last week has made me aware of a huge issue that I would like to address. 

First, when people think about eating 'Foods Created by God', they think this means they are going to have to 'eat healthy' which carries a negative connotation is our society.  Eating 'Foods Created by God' will give you energy, vitality, and good health, so it is true that this is a healthy eating plan.  However, I think many also equate eating healthy with having to sacrifice 'good' food, having to give up the foods they love, and having to eat boring foods that don't taste very good.  This is not true.  This is a lie that Satan has created and it is so untrue.

Second, I think many people who are eating a typical American diet are in a constant battle.  Those who are overweight feel they lack willpower and are constantly struggling with food issues because they aren't capable of controlling themselves.  People who are always sick feel they are unlucky and not as good as others.  People who lack energy feel they are lazy.  People addicted to foods  feel they have no self-discipline.  I could go on and on. 

If any of these thoughts represent how you think, know that you are not alone.  Also know that you will probably not succeed because you are begrudgingly participating rather than rejoicing about your new knowledge and freedom.   If you are attempting to change from the typical American diet to a diet of foods by God, it is very important how you view what you are doing.

Concerning the first point above, celebrate the fact that you can eliminate the tasteless, addictive man-made foods from your diet and that you can enjoy the delicious choice foods God has given us!  I love food.  I eat lots of food. I enjoy three home-cooked meals a day.  I love having tasty foods that satisfy me, that fill me up while maintaining my correct weight, and that provide the nutrients I need to maintain good health.  I praise God for His perfect plans and His perfect foods.  I hope you can embrace this viewpoint too and become free in your eating. 

Concerning the second point,  God loves you just the way you are and He is saddened when we give in to Satan's lies.  If you are overweight or have health issues and feel you have no self-control or willpower, please know that man-made foods are designed to make you want them, to make you crave them.  Do not feel ashamed or guilty!  The typical American foods that fill our grocery store shelves and are available on every street corner are not designed with your health in mind.  The old Lay's commercial, "you can't eat just one", is very true.  Cheap fats and salts, processed sugar in all its forms, and food additives are so addictive.  It is not about your failure to control your eating, but about the very subtle, deceptive power of the foods created by man that do not satisfy your hunger, that have little nutritional value, that make you crave more, and that load your body with empty calories and toxins.  It is a vicious cycle.

Please break these negative, condemning thought patterns right now!  Our words and thoughts have the power to bless or curse.  They speak life or death into a situation.  "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Proverbs 18:21  Choose the fruit of life.

The power of life comes from joy in the Lord.  This is our strength.  "Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”  Nehemiah 8:10.  Savor the excellent, tasty foods from God that you will be eating with joy!

Overcoming the addictive power of man-made foods will not be easy, but you can win this battle with the right attitude.  Pray for God's help and then speak victory into your situation.  Praise God for the wonderful, delicious foods that He has given us and ask Him to help you learn how to enjoy these foods.

To succeed you do have to make changes.  Take baby steps with me each week following the weekly challenges, making simple, small daily changes.  Don't just think about doing the challenges, but start now and do them.  Faithfully do them each day.  They are simple things.  Soon these changes will become routine for you and you will reap the benefits.  It doesn't matter where you are starting, everyone can be victorious.  Speak victory today and thank God for the wonderful foods He provides.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31


  1. Great post Mary! I'm inspired!

  2. Eye opening that Satan can use food. Great Nehemiah 8:10 verse, Joy in the Lord and then share with others. Good stuff Mary. Thank you

  3. Very inspiring words here, Mary. I have been sick this week and every one of these negative thoughts you mentioned went through my head. Thank you for the reminder.

    1. I praise God that He inspired you when you were down and I pray for your success, taking baby steps and realizing the power of God's foods for health and well-being. God bless.
