Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Weekly Challenge - Week 30 (July 23, 2013)


God splurges our world with sunrises each morning.  This week I want you to splurge with God's foods.  You have learned so much and hopefully have been working hard this year changing your diet.  (If this is your first visit to the weekly challenges, you might consider starting at the beginning and working your way up to this point.) 

I hope this has not been drudgery and that you are learning to enjoy the wonderful array of flavors that are available, eating foods that are in season, and eliminating all the man-made junk that doesn't really taste good (which is why it is loaded with artificial ingredients and flavors and addictive chemicals).
So how to splurge this week....enjoy something you love!
1.  Buy a special treat that you normally would not buy.  My special treats are things like organic sweet cherries or organic peaches (so yummy, yet so expensive!).
2.  If you are into meat, buy a 100% grass fed steak.  My favorite cut is a filet mignon.
3.  Check out the prepared meals at Whole Foods (be sure to check the ingredient label) and find something extravagant that looks delicious but which does not contain the man-made whites (white sugar, white flour, white rice).
4.  Enjoy a pint of Coconut Bliss ice cream or make buy an ice cream maker and make your own (use honey or maple syrup to sweet it).  I will post our basic recipe soon.
5.  If bread is your thing, make yourself a loaf of whole-grain bread or some potato rolls or something fun like garlic bread or focaccia or soft pretzels.  If you don't have time to bake something, check out the whole grain breads in the bakery at Whole Foods.
6.  If you haven't already, make a delicious raw sweet such as the peanut butter cups or chocolate pudding.
7.  Your thing might be a salty treat.  Buy some non-GMO organic chips and an organic salsa.  I like Que Pasa chips and Muir Glen's organic Chipotle Salsa.  Better yet, make yourself some fresh organic salsa.
Your challenge is to find something new and extravagant that you normally would not buy or make.  This week's challenge is to learn to appreciate and to learn to 'crave' delicious foods that are good for you and don't contain any of the bad stuff (foods/ingredients altered by man) that wrecks your health and weight.
"For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light."  Psalm 36:9

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